SEO Content Writing in Kenya

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At Qodewire, the goal of our SEO Content Writing services is to fill your sales pipeline with a greater share of organically converting traffic. It’s that simple. And unlike other agencies, we have the results to back it up. Using our proprietary 300-point evaluation and in-depth audit reports, we assess your site’s strengths and weaknesses with respect to SEO, traffic performance, and conversion rate optimization.

SEO and Content Marketing in Kenya

Content is a fundamental backbone of any SEO strategy. A website built on the foundation of good SEO content speaks for itself – People spend time on the page, real people engage in conversations, browse deeper into your website, get inspired to share your blog via Social Media, link back to your site, or revisit for more information.

All these are positive signals for the search engines and they add great SEO value to your website. High-quality SEO content establishes your website as a trusted source and accounts for the increase in organic search traffic, valuable leads & higher conversion rates.

SEO Content exists in many forms – Professional Website Content, Powerful Marketing / SEO Copy, Press Releases, Blog Posts, Guest Posts, Magazine Articles, Product Descriptions, and the list goes on. Each of these is intended for a specific purpose or to meet specific business goals. Press releases are generally announcements or achievements, company blog posts are expert tips or controversies, Marketing Copies are powerful sales pitches, and so forth.

At Qodewire, we define a strong content strategy in line with your business goal or SEO needs and create effective content to achieve them. Among our many Content Creation Services include:

Link Bait Content

Link Bait content is content designed to attract more backlinks to your website. In other words, it’s content that people like linking to. Optimized content like intuitive how-to guides, breaking news, industry events, surveys, FAQs, etc are some of the great link baiting examples that earn lots of SEO juice for your website.

Press Releases Development

We create professional and SEO-optimized press releases to get you maximum industry attention and SEO benefits. In addition to press release writing services, we also offer press release distribution services to authoritative News websites and blogs.

SEO Content Optimization

Writing content is just half work done. To build organic rankings, you must optimize this content for “keywords” that people would actually type-in to the search engines. We take pride in claiming the best SEO content writing services that optimize your existing On-Page Content, Product reviews, etc. with your target keywords.

Blog Management & Guest Posting

We write well-optimized & interactive blog posts on well-researched topics that attract readers, ignite curiosity & conversations. Such content is easy to generate backlinks from. We go as deep as completely maintaining blogs for our clients by ensuring a steady flow of dynamic content.

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