5 Important Things to do After Getting Fired From Your Job: A Kenyan Guide

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If you have been recently fired or laid off from your current job, you may struggle to take the next step to get off of the couch and get back to work. This is even harder in Kenya where the unemployment rate is too high. Before you transition and start job hunting again, here are five important steps to take immediately after leaving a career that let you go.

Dust off your resume

The most powerful document in your unemployed life is your resume. Hopefully, you have one that is fairly up to date. If so, dust it off and start updating it while everything from your old position is fresh on your mind.

If you do not have a current resume, get started on one immediately to prepare you for your next boss as soon as possible. Our guide on Powerful Ways to Resurrect Your Resume should be very handy in this process.

Clean Up your Social Media mess.

In today’s world of tech-savvy companies, it is imperative that you brand yourself by leveraging social media. First, remove anything that may be inappropriate from any of your social media profiles.

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Companies are now using Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to do background checks on job candidates, so it is crucial that your profiles on those accounts are free of anything that may warrant you unemployable.

For example, any incriminating pictures or information about your weekend escapades could easily turn off any potential employers. You never get a second chance to make a first impression, even an online impression.

Build your personal brand online.

Social Media can be a detriment to your job search for the reasons listed above. It can also be your best friend. Build a consistent personal brand on the more professional networking sites such as LinkedIn and Monster.

Take the time to write a great bio and career thus far, and post it on sites that are being used to find candidates. Your personal brand can go a long way towards impressing your potential employers.

Pull out the little black book

Your network is perhaps the greatest tool you have to ensure that you are the first to learn about new opportunities. Do not be too proud to send an email to everyone in your network letting them know that you were recently laid off and are “back on the market” for another company hire. Include in this email any jobs that interest you and also include your resume so that it can start getting some circulation.

In today’s economy, you will not be considered in any way inadequate because you were laid off from your current position. Companies are downsizing and everyone has been affected, so swallow your pride and send out a note.


Sitting around watching soap operas and feeling sorry for yourself is no way to find a new job after being laid off. If you cannot immediately find a new job, find a company or non-profit that will let you volunteer during the week. You will gain a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment while contributing to your community as well.

Also, volunteering can help you grow your network, which could lead you to new opportunities.

There are many things you can do to better your situation after being fired or laid off. The most important tip is to DO SOMETHING! A “woe is me” attitude is not going to land you another career, so the very next day after you are laid off, should also be the first day of your job search.

Happy Hunting!

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