7 Untapped Ways to Generate New Content Ideas for your Blog in 2021

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Sometimes, the topic you choose to write on your blog is already completely saturated. As content creators, sometimes we all run out of ideas. But blogs need to be updated frequently to remain on search engine indexes. In this guide, I’m going to show you how to generate new content ideas for your blog for free.

Unless your blog’s niche is extremely saturated or crowded, the content drought almost never matches reality. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of interesting items that are waiting to be found. All you need to do is awaken your creativity to generate new content ideas for your blog. The following tips should get you grooving…

Take a day out of the week to brainstorm ideas

Habits are strong. If you are under stress, ideas will probably not flow while you are in this state of anxiety and impatience. In such situations, it’s ideal to spend a few hours on a certain day of the week just to generate new content ideas for your blog. Whatever day and time that works best for you.

As a content creator, you can make it a habit in your life to devote some weekly time for creativity and generating ideas. During these solo brainstorming sessions, you can save all ideas for your new upcoming articles, videos, or images that inspire the production of content for your blog. You will never experience content drought if you plan ahead and keep a bank of content ideas.

Repurpose old content ideas

Dive into your archives, read the titles of the articles you’ve written in the past, think about ways to repurpose this old content, and build on those ideas. Psychologists have proven that the human brain works much better if it has certain anchor points that allow it to associate ideals and generate a new base of ideas.

Let me give you a few ideas on how I use this technique:

For example, if I write an article about “How to fight your own cynicism”, it makes sense if I do another article on “How to identify cynical people”. Another example: If I wrote an article on “How to use Twitter for Networking”, I could also do another piece about Using Facebook for Networking

Make sense?

Creativity enhancers VS Creativity inhibitors

There are certain factors that enhance your creativity and others that do the exact opposite. Some common creativity inhibitors include noise, stress, negativity, excessive unproductive freedom, lack of sleep, hunger, multitasking, and the list goes on. As a content creator, you will want to stay clear off these.

To enhance your creativity, there are several factors that can help boost the process. Silence, exotic and soft aromas, domestic tranquility, surrounding yourself with creative people, reading, and viewing artistic work can dramatically help improve your creativity in content creation.

Explore what’s popular elsewhere

If there is no way for you to generate new content ideas by yourself, you can borrow ideas from other content creators in your niche. The idea is not to copy or duplicate their work. Instead, you can find popular items in your niche by exploring content created by others in that same niche.

By discovering trending topics in your space, you can easily come up with ideas to do your own versions of these popular topics. And because you already saw what other creators had, you can identify areas of improvement and build on that content to create even better versions of the same topic

The “Tree and its Branches” Technique

Just like a tree produces branches and sub-branches, you can take an article you have written and dive into each point you touched on. By doing this, you can diversify your own articles and deepen your views even further.

For example, let’s say you did a post on SEO Strategies on Google. In this very general work, you could take at least five main points (Market analysis, Keyword research, Website optimization, Link Building, and performance tracking) and break them down into their own standalone posts with much deeper insights.

Observe trends and what’s happening around you.

Seriously. Sometimes we don’t pay attention to the things that happen around us in the real world. That conversation with friends, that TV program, that funny commercial about your slow internet… they are all data points that you can use to create more content.

Your blog should act as a public diary for your readers. If you are keen enough to observe your day-to-day activities, you can easily generate authentic content for your blog without limitations. And the best part? This kind of original writing is what inspires readers to subscribe to your content and share it more.

Yahoo Answers!

A little-known option when it comes to content creation is Yahoo Answers (Yes, it’s still relevant). Yahoo Answers is essentially a forum-ish network where your people ask questions for others to answer. If you run a blog that aims to help people solve problems, Yahoo Answers is a good place to get inspiration.

Well, I hope these tips have opened your mind to more ways of creating content for your website. Remember, when you find a great idea, don’t spend it all on one post, Try to transform it into several detailed posts.

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